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Undergraduate Advising E-mail: How to find Oncourse Osu Advising Login. SIS Tips and Reference Paths The CPP Stack Adding Plans in the CPP Stack Assigning Advisors Batch Reports Scheduling Holds FERPA osu cse advisors Undergraduate Advising E-mail: Department of Computer Science. AddThis Utility Frame CFAES Give Today Ohio State ATI CFAES Wooster ATI Advising Page ATI Advising Resources Whether you are planning your degree, making course selections, or resolving academic issues, the links below can help you with planning your meetings with your advisor. OnCourse is the authorized student academic success platform used by students, faculty, and staff at The Ohio State University.OnCourse Login How to Use OnCourse Front desk student worker Student privacy FAQ.I Am Struggling in a Class Tutoring Resources I Am Experiencing Personal Issues.Applying for Graduation Exit Interview for Financial Aid Order a Transcript.Get a Course Evaluated Take a Course Somewhere Else Order a Transcript Withdraw or Take a Leave of Absence Return to Ohio State File for Reinstatement.The user will need to submit a request to with the following information: the date the report. The points below include both types of documentation. Academic Advising for undergraduate students at Ohio State is offered in multiple. Keep in mind: In OnCourse, reports on advising are intended to document interactions with students while notes are intended to document institutional information. Grades Academic Status Academic Misconduct Grade Forgiveness Advising Appointments and Notes (OnCourse) view all You have no new.Add or Drop a Class Scheduling Help General Education Requirements Take a Course Somewhere Else.Schedule Adjustments / Make Your Schedule Why Schedule an Advising Appointment Types of Advisors Student Responsibilities Preparing for an Advising Appointment Schedule an Appointment Thank an Advisor Privacy and Release of Educational Records.